Dealing with more issues


Dealing with more issues

Sometimes it can be very overwhelming when I am unable to do all what I planned to do in my head and cannot carry it out physically. Lately, I’ve been having new health issues and it’s making me frustrated a lot. Her is what’s been affecting me in a nutshell:

1. Both my elbows hurt a lot to the touch and by stretching my arms outwards. I get pain when I lift something no matter how heavy. All my finger joints hurt and sometimes the fingers get swollen. Then the area just below the palms of my hands and the wrists hurts. Even using my camera cause pain.

2. My plantar fasciitis has gotten worse and apparently I now have a heel spur on my left heel. When I stand, sit or walk for a little while, I start limping in pain. It gets so bad that I have to stay off my feet for at least an hour. Most of the time I stay on the recliner when that happens.

3. My shoulder joint pains have started acting up again. It looks like the rotator cuff so every time I turn or stretch my arm a certain angle, the pain flashes terribly.

4. My back pains have started since that time I slept on the air bed at my son’s house when we pet sat his puppy.

5. My knees hurt a lot especially when I get down on them.

6. My depression has worsened a bit due these new issues. I feel as if I cannot achieve anything. I have so much I want to do cannot due to the pains. I’m tired of complaining because no one seems to get it.

7. My tailbone hurts a lot when I bend and stand up, especially doing things such as packing and unpacking the dishwasher.

8. For a long time now, I have been waking up coughing. It always feels as if it is the right side of the inside of my throat that something is triggering it off. Is is my acid reflux doing it? I do not know. Whenever I cough, I have to get up and use the bathroom.

9. Also apart from sudden coughing, I sneeze frequently especially if I am driving. I hate that because a lot of time that causes me to trickle. I always have to wear panty liners when I am going out in case of “accidents”.

10. I’ve had two fillings this past couple weeks. I always had a deep pocket on one of those teeth and it is hard to clean due to it being in the very back. Sometimes, food gets trapped into it. I am trying to floss and rinse with mouthwash on a more regular basis now. The reason I go the two fillings was that I was having my teeth cleaned and when the hygienist was rinsing, I complained about the sensitivity on that back molar. She decided to take an x-ray and it showed a small cavity under a filling of that tooth. My dentist had to schedule me to remove the filling and clean it to put another filling. Well, the next week as she was doing that, she noticed that a small cavity was there on the tooth next to it. She decided to go ahead and fill it at the same time. That second one wasn’t even showing on the x-ray. I have always been going for my regular dental checkups and cleaning but somehow or the other, no one ever noticed any of that. She is the new dentist.

Now especially after eating, I am getting the similar pains by those two teeth. I am not sure which tooth is giving the problem. It seems as if the pain is in the middle of both where I would floss. I would hate to get a root canal. Not only because of the expense, but of the pains I would have to deal with.

When you have chronic pains along with other issues of fibromyalgia, even the simplest things hurt. We always seem to be dealing with more issues.


Painful hands and feet

81A53F8A-E197-4276-9995-B5A5E1232A3EI’ve been having lots of pain in my hands and feet. It’s becoming an every day thing now. The pain in my hands are usually in the finger bones. If I pass my fingers along the hand with my other hand, I can feel as if the bones under the knuckle joints swollen. On the palms of my hand, it also hurts- especially the heel area- parallel to the pinky finger. The heel of the right hand pains more than the left but both hands hurt at the finger bones area. It is hard to hold, grasp, press or write with a pen or pencil.

Now the feet is another area that has been bugging me every day. I have plantar fasciitis and it hurt to the back of the heel area. The left heel pains more than the right heel. I usually get the pains when I walk too much, stand too long, or sit too long. The pains are more painful at night when I wake up in the wee hours to use the bathroom. Now, the pains are all the time instead of occasional. I can hardly do much without flaring in my heels. I haven’t been able to walk on the treadmill or do the elliptical for the past two weeks.

I am also stress eating from all this. I need to quit that but it is so hard. I would usually eat fairly healthy meal wise but tend to junk out on snacks. My meals have less calories than the snacks. I am feeling so overwhelmed. There is so much I need to do in the house but every time I start, I ache. I really want to do my designs and start selling my vinyl work online. Also I want to go back to writing. My brain feels so tired. I just wish that I can get back a little into doing the things I used to enjoy.

I am also wearing a heart monitor and I just wish next week would come quickly. I had it since the 6th of this month. I have to return it on the 5th of July, which is next Thursday. I have to keep it on for 30 days. I have only done a manual record once. My cardiologist wanted me to still wear the monitor to find out what is causing the pounding I would usually get once a week. The treadmill nuclear stress test came out okay but he still wanted me to wear the heart monitor.

I have just put some “Blue Goo” on my heels and hands thinking it would help. My husband asked me a while ago to try it. It has not helped. I am flaring so badly now in my heels. Sitting here in bed with my iPad and under the covers. The sole of my feet feels as if they are on fire. I am so tired of the pains. I even asked my teenage daughter to massage my feet today. I cannot seem to get any relief.

Dealing with nightly flares

Dealing with nightly flares

It is 10:43 p.m. and I am in bed flaring. I just took a shower, prayed and read my Bible. My hands have been bothering me for a while now. The bones in my fingers hurt so much plus the palms are so tender. My sacrum feels locked up and my thighs and the soles of my feet feel like they are on fire. My elbows and upper arms hurt and my knees pain when I have to go down the stairs. It seems as if it’s a never-ending string of aches and pains. I miss my old life of being pain free.

My heels are giving me a fit especially in the wee hours of the morning when I wake up to use the bathroom. It’s so hard to walk during that time.

We got the bill from the hospital for the nuclear treadmill stress test this past week. $7,909.71. Then yesterday, we got the bill from the cardiologist for reading the stress test. $498.00. And I still haven’t gotten the results from the stress test. Go figure.

I’m so tired. Too tired to get a graphic for this post. I’m writing this using my iPad. 11:00 pm on the dot and no easing of the flares.

And the struggle continues


And the struggle continues

The past few weeks have been very hectic for me. My youngest son graduated with his Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. My daughter in law graduated with her dentist degree. That graduation was out of town about a four-hour drive away. We had to book a hotel and decided to spend two nights there. The long ride about did me in. It took longer than four hours because of my bladder issues. We had to stop a few times along the way for bathroom breaks. Another daughter in law had her baby shower on the same day as my youngest daughter’s birthday. We couldn’t do a party that day so we chose to take her out bowling with a few friends this past Friday night. With all the running up and down and trying to get everything lined up, I was exhausted all the time. Not only that, but my insomnia was working overtime.

Two days before we went out of town, I had to get a biopsy done at my OBGYN’s office. I’d already had an ultrasound of my womb previously and he had told me that the cervix was thickened. He needed to do a biopsy to see if it was because of polyps, fibroids or cancer. He said that it may even be nothing. I pray it is not cancer. One good thing in my favor is that all my yearly pap smear results always come back normal. My gynecologist talked about hysterectomy and hormone therapy depending on what the results of the biopsy happen to be. I have to go back this Thursday for another ultrasound. I have no idea why this one.

I always want to post on this blog to record what is going on with me. This is more for me to be able to track my health. A lot of times when I want to post, I just do not seem to have the energy to do so. Now that I am actually writing, I just start putting down whatever I can remember. If I don’t, I tend to forget so preplanning a blog post for me is not an option. If you are a fibro warrior, you’d understand what I mean.

So since my last post in April, here is what I have been going through regarding my health:

-I had requested a change of cardiologist and got my first appointment with the new one last month. I told him about my palpitations starting back again. I used to wake up in the wee hours of the morning with my heart pounding a lot as if I am afraid. My former doctor had told me about my racing heart issues a couple years ago. She put me on medication to slow down the heart rate. She’d also referred me to a cardiologist since I am a high risk due to family history. Before visiting that cardiologist, I’d had a treadmill stress test, EKGs and worn a heart monitor for 30 days. Everything had come back normal. There was a few instances of tachycardia. My cardiologist sent me for an echo-cardiogram and he said that had come back normal. I went a couple more times to that cardiologist and he was charging a lot. I do not have health insurance and everything was getting to be very costly. I did not feel as if that cardiologist was a good fit for me (apart from financial reasons). I felt as if my questions were not fully answered. I asked my former doctor for another cardiologist.

Fast forward to the new cardiologist I saw last month. He was younger and seemed to talk straight to the point. I did show him a copy of my tests results and blood tests results. When I told the doctor about my palpitations coming back, he wanted to change my medication that I was using to slow down the heart. He also wants me to cut off my coffee. Due to my racing heart, I had started using decaf most of the time. Every now and again, I would use regular. When I told the new cardiologist about me using decaf, he still wanted me to stop it saying that there are traces of caffeine in it. I love my coffee and apart from water, that is the only thing I drink. I have not quit it but I have quit the night drinking of coffee. Instead, I drink hot milk at night which is not as satisfying as hot coffee. I am trying my best to use only one cup of coffee and usually take it on mornings.

Another thing the cardiologist wanted to do was take me off the cholesterol medicine that I was using and use Crestor. I told him that I do not have insurance and cannot afford it. I asked him if I try to control my diet and my cholesterol levels get better, if I can continue the meds I was taking for it. He gave in only for now. He wants me to watch what I eat and exercise. I told him that the only exercise I can do is walking slowly on the treadmill. I usually do 30 minutes on it at a slow pace but my plantar fasciitis on my left heel bothers me after walking on it.

So it is becoming difficult to walk on the treadmill. More stress for me because I cannot lose the weight, cannot do the exercises regularly and I stress eat. In fact, I have gained more weight now. Sad to say that I am 161 pounds. At the beginning of this year, I was 145.

The new cardiologist also wanted me to get a treadmill stress test. He had seen the results of my other tests and said they were good but not good for someone like me with a high family risk. He even gave me a copy of my echocardiogram and nuclear stress tests when he found out that I never got a copy from my other cardiologist.

I went with trepidation last week to do the treadmill stress test. It was only after I reached the hospital that I found out it was a nuclear treadmill stress test. They had to inject nuclear medicine in my arm to get images of the heart while it is being tested. The nurse who injected my left arm couldn’t get the vein. It hurt. She had to pull it out because she said I had tiny moving veins. She went and called another tech to help me. The guy checked my arms and decided to put the needle on my right hand below my wrist. He said he didn’t like doing it there but it was the only place he could. That did not hurt as much as the one the nurse did. I had to wait about an hour after that for the medicine to work and then they put me under the machine to read my heart. Then afterwards, another wait. Finally I was hooked up and did the treadmill test. The tech said that they were going to test me until I was at 85%. By the time I reached 59%, I felt as if I was going to drop. I forced myself to go. 83% and it was super tough. My throat was burning. My asthma was acting up.  Finally, I made it. They asked if I wanted a Sprite, coffee or water. I took water because my throat was closed up. I could hardly breathe. Afterwards, they put me back under the machine and got more pictures of the heart after stress. Though I had a hard time on the treadmill, I was thankful that my heel did not bother me too much.

I have no idea when I would get the results of that test. For the past few months, it is almost every week that I am doing some kind of tests.

-The day after the treadmill test (that was last week), I decided to go on the treadmill at home and walk. I did walk for 30 minutes. For two days afterwards, my heels bother me. I have not walked on the treadmill since.


  • Sleepiness

Now the insomnia is not back on but instead I keep feeling sleepy a lot. I usually take a shower the last thing at night and then sit in bed and say my prayers. Afterwards, I read my bible. The past week, I have been falling asleep with my bible on my lap without even finishing my prayers. It didn’t matter if I went to bed earlier than my normal time or not. I would find myself waking up around 2-3 a.m. and realize that I hadn’t even started reading the bible for the night before.

I would wake up to use the bathroom as usual but instead of being awake a lot, I fall asleep fast. Sometimes, I would feel as if I cannot sleep and take my kindle to play some kind of word game and the next thing I know is that the kindle falls off my hand and I am asleep. It may be exhaustion or what is scarier is that I started to wonder if it is my heart being tired from beating so fast. For the past few months, I have been feeling sleepy while I drive. Now that sleepiness has increased to any time throughout the day and night, I am anxious. I do not want to have sleep apnea. Plus I cannot afford a sleep study.

This past Saturday, I had planned to get my craft room/office cleaned up and organized. I am almost done with it but just cannot find the energy to do anything because I feel so sleepy. At church yesterday, I had to close my eyes a few times. I just laid around yesterday and hardly did anything when I got back home.

I hate the feeling of not being able to accomplish anything. There is so much to do and I cannot get the energy to do it. My brain feels tired. My body feels tired.

-My left shoulder started hurting again. The last time it was doing that, I had gone to the chiropractor and after a few adjustments, it has helped. The pain usually comes while I try to put on or take off clothes, fix my bra or have that arm turned at a certain angle. It is not there all the time but when put at that angle. My hubby told me to go back to the chiropractor but I was trying to bear it out. Just another set of money to spend. And now that I have mentioned it, we got good news concerning that. Today, we got a newsletter in the mail from the chiropractor’s office. They are having a food can drive in June and if we bring 5 cans, we get free adjustments. I called today and got my appointment and one for hubby too. God is good!

  • Finger pains

For the past few years, I started having trouble holding stuff without hurting. Things like a skillet or even writing by hand using a pen or pencil. I usually have nice handwriting but when I would start writing by hand, after a paragraph or so, my writing starts turning sloppy. My fingers would hurt. I never thought much about it. Then it continued to where it became hard to open jars.

Now, all my finger bones are hurting- from touching them or just curling to grasping. I am kind of worried about if it is going to start bothering me with holding the steering wheel to drive. It hasn’t reached that stage yet. Last night I was hurting so much that I ended up taking two generic brand of Tylenol arthritis tablets. I told hubby if the pains keep up like that, I may have to schedule a visit from my rheumatologist.

I am tired. Tired of fighting the pains. Tired of complaining. Tired of feeling like my life is on hold. Some days, there are more pains, more flares than others. I know I have to take it one day at a time. It is just hard sometimes. I’ve got to keep on going. I am not going to let this overcome me. And the struggle continues.

I’ve got so much to be thankful for!

I’ve got so much to be thankful for!


I had wanted to post right after getting my MRI done but I was in so much pain in different areas of my body and just didn’t feel like being at the computer. The MRI itself was scheduled for late evening. My hubby and daughter went with me. We had no problem getting registered. The guy was nice when he took my paperwork and walked up upstairs to the MRI waiting room. When we got there, two ladies were in the waiting area. One of them was the patient and the other was waiting with them so I had to wait for one person before it was my turn. The woman took about forty five minutes in the MRI room. I was a bit nervous and used the bathroom five times I was at the hospital. Twice while waiting to be admitted, twice before the MRI and once after the MRI.

The technician was also nice. He said mine was without contrast and it would take about twenty minutes to do. I was glad because I didn’t know how long I could be calm. I didn’t have to change into any gowns since I was not wearing anything with metal. I did take off my shoes. He gave me some earplugs and a headphone. He said that the headphone would help the background noise from the machine. He also said that there would be some piano music playing in the headphones. I was a bit relieved. He gave me a button to hold and press if I needed to get out of there. I thought of it as a “panic button.” He said to keep my hands to my sides. Though he sounded reassuring, I was still nervous.

When I laid down on the machine table and I was being moved into the chamber, I almost had a panic and attack and wanted to press that panic button. As the table moved backwards, I had this image in my head of a corpse being put into a mortuary. I started to feel claustrophobic and it took a lot of praying and trying to think nice thoughts to stay calm. I even started feeling as if I was in a coffin at a funeral home with the soft piano music in the background. What a terrible feeling. I swore then that I would never want to have to do another MRI!

Surprisingly during the test, I did not feel any pain in the sacrum while laying there. I had a nice body pillow the technician had put under my knees. It was comfortable in that position except for the part of feeling trapped in the chamber. Only my upper back was hurting. After the test was done, I was able to leave. We went and got a Subway sandwich on our way home. I was so thankful that it was over and done with. That was a Friday and the technician had told me that my doctor should get the results by the next Tuesday. I asked him if I can get a copy of the results and he said that I can as long as my doctor received the preliminary results. I would have to go to the hospital medical records department to collect them and get any tests results I had done there. That would include the kidney doppler ultrasound one I had done last month also. I hope I can go there one day and collect the results.

When I called the rheumatologist’s office the next Friday, the nurse answered and I asked her about the results. She checked and said that there was no stenosis, no bulging discs and minimal hypertrophy. I was relieved because that meant nothing too serious. The only thing that is bad is that I still do not know what is causing my lower back to lock up and the sternum to hurt.

My upper back has also begun hurting a lot these past few weeks. I had to ask hubby and my daughter to rub it for me. At times, they would use that blue goo gel on it. It eases just a tiny bit and starts back again. I could not get a comfortable position to sleep at night. Not only that, my insomnia was awful. I have no idea what was causing the insomnia to be that bad. I would fall asleep and wake up half hour to an hour later and stay awake for hours.

I ended up going to the chiropractor again for the upper back pains. Then another issue started. My left shoulder joint started hurting terribly after I have it in a certain position such as trying to dry my back after a shower or putting on my bra. The pain was intense and I would actually cry out when it does. It felt as if bone was rubbing against bone. Now that shoulder was one I had an injury to over thirty years ago after giving birth to my first child. I’d fainted and fell on the tiled floor, hit my head and fell on the elbow which cause the head of my humerus to crack. I wore a cast on the shoulder for a month. When I started getting the sharp pain in my shoulder, I was reminded of the injury. I went to the chiropractor and told him about it. He checked and tested me. Then he said it was my AC joint that was being locked. He said it was not the old injury that was flaring up as I thought it was. He said he didn’t know what I did to do it. Neither did I. I hadn’t fallen or got it hit.  I have seen him three times now since then to get the shoulder adjusted. It is feeling much better but still hurt sometimes.

This is getting to be a very long post so I guess I’d summarize and say that I had good news from my MRI, my back and shoulder is being adjusted and feel better when I get the adjustment (at least for a little while), the pains in the ball of my right foot that was hurting has eased up. The past three days, I had minimal pains- the first in a long time. I was able to go on the treadmill twice this week and plan to go on it again after posting this blog. I aim for only one mile. The only thing that bothers me after exercising is that heel pain in my left foot. There is no way getting over that. Sometimes, I would end up rolling the foot over a frozen bottle of water to ease the pain. For the little blessings I keep getting, I have so much to be thankful for!

When you are claustrophobic and have to get an MRI

When you are claustrophobic and have to get an MRI

In the next six and half hours, I will be in a hospital getting ready to be taken in for my very first MRI. My back pains hadn’t eased up and my last visit to the rheumatologist brought this order for the MRI. I was telling him about my back pains not easing up even with taking the Tylenol and how sometimes the tailbone feels swollen. My chiropractor’s adjustments did not help either. When I am in pain, I usually take an ice pack and sit on the recliner for a long while. The chiropractor was planning to take an x-ray but my rheumatologist said that the one I took last year did not show anything. He’d examine my joints and saw that I had even more limited movement due to my pains and decided that the MRI would be better to get to show if there is any herniated disc. I am not looking forward to doing the MRI because I get claustrophobic easily. The rheumatologist also gave me an order for blood tests to check for inflammation.

Since my last post, I had gone to the chiropractor, rheumatologist, gynecologist, nephrologist and my family doctor. All in three weeks! It’s costing a lot of money with the specialists visits and tests. After my rheumatologist’s visit, I went to the nephrologist and it was another disappointment that day because she didn’t have the results from my kidney doppler ultrasound. She did my urine tests and said things looked good. She checked my legs for swelling and they were fine too. That was a good sign that my kidneys were not getting worse. She said that she’d call us when she got the results. She also gave me an order to get more blood tests done to check my kidney panel. I took the order to my family doctor and get the blood work done there. A couple days later, their office called me to say that the results from the kidney doppler ultrasound did not show any blockages. Praise the Lord!

That same day was my gynecologist’s appointment. I learnt new things happening to my body. Apparently, I have a prolapsed bladder and that is causing me some issues. No wonder I have to go to the bathroom often and trickle when I sneeze or cough. Also another issue affecting me resulted for me to get an ultrasound of my ovaries next month. He wanted to see if there are any cysts that are the cause of extremely heavy bleeding. More tests to be done. Thank God my pap smear results came back normal. We’ll have to wait and see what the ultrasound says about my ovaries.

I went to my family doctor and she had told me that the tests she ran in January for my cholesterol etc were normal. I asked her for a printout of it and she said she would but she never did. Neither did she went through each results with me like my former doctor did. I really miss my former doctor. She was not only friendly but caring and you can tell she wanted to help. She would take her time and listen and try to figure out the different things we could do to find out the reasons for the various pains I get.

For the past three weeks, my pains are everyday. Some days are worse than others. Last week, I also began having major flares especially in the mornings. My upper arms, thighs, under my feet would be like fire running through them. That’s apart from the back pains. My hair is falling a lot more now. Sometimes it slows down and I guess when I am stressed out, the hair drops even more.

It seems there is always something going on in my body. I have noticed lately that under my right toes hurt. I thought it was at the joint where the ball of the foot meet the toes but while palpitating it, I detected that just under the joint of the second toe (the one next to the big toe) is painful at the ball of the foot. So when I walk and my foot is like on the tiptoe position, the weight or any pressure transferred to the ball of the foot is what is causing the pain.

All these stuff is making me do what I do best: stress eat. Now, I am gaining a lot of weight. I feel depress and anxious about all what is going on. Yesterday, I wasn’t hurting too badly so I made up my mind to walk on the treadmill for ten minutes. I forced myself and ended up doing sixteen minutes. Half of a mile at 2.2 mph. I know that is not a lot but it is when you are in a lot of pain. I could not go too much longer because of my back and toe issues. I tried to eat healthier today. One step at a time. Now, it is time to finish this blood and get ready for my test. Things have to be done even when you are claustrophobic and have to get an MRI!


Pain, pain, go away!

I’m sitting here on the recliner trying to put this blog post together. My back pains are getting the better of me these days. I really do not know what to do again. I have had back pains throughout the years but never like this. I thought that maybe a new mattress is what I needed so we got one just before the holidays. It did not help my back. I thought maybe a knew pillow would do the trick after reading some reviews on Amazon. I ordered one. No improvement to the pains. I went back to the chiropractor yesterday and he adjusted me again but this time, I did not feel relief. Some days I do feel a little better after and adjustment for a short while at least but not yesterday. Not only is my tailbone hurting but the entire back. My shoulders, ribs and spine from the neck to the tailbone. I went and did some grocery shopping today and by the time I got back home, I was wore out.

I have used an ice pack on the tailbone for about twenty minutes when I first got on the recliner this evening. I don’t know what to do about the upper back pains. I probably would have to take two pain pills. I have also noticed that my waist hurts too with the back pains. Both front and back. Is it kidney related? I do not know. Speaking of kidneys, I was unable to have the renal Doppler ultrasound last Thursday as scheduled. Apparently the nurse who did the scheduling did not read my order right and ordered an abdominal ultrasound. When I reached the hospital, they did not admit me because they said that it was not the correct one. To make a long story short, I had unknowingly paid for an abdominal ultrasound rather than the renal one. I had to reschedule and pay for the correct test. This time, I am going to have it done at another hospital which is closer to where I live. My test is to be done this coming Friday. That’s just three days from now. I am kind of scared of the results of the test. I hope and pray that there are no plaque on my arteries that are causing any blockages to the kidneys. One of my brothers recently had a quadruple bypass after the doctors discovered that over 90 percent of his arteries were blocked. He even had kidney stones removed by laser surgery due to the size of them.

I am feeling a bit stressed out. Not only from the back pains but the other flares I have to deal with. I am finding myself do less and less and it has become depressing. I am using anxiety medication but I pray that I do not have to get an increased dosage. All medications have side effects and some can be very harmful especially if they interact with others in a negative way. I am stress eating and gaining weight of course. I shouldn’t do that. I know better. I am tired of the pains day in and day out. Pain, pain, go away!

I keep going because I have to.

For the month of February, I seem to be dealing with intense back pains. They aren’t getting any better. My hubby finally came home on Saturday night. I was happy to see him. Somehow or the other it makes a big difference to have him around. I really do not envy the “single” life. Those days are long gone. We didn’t go to Sunday School because he was so tired after driving almost nine hours home on Saturday. My back was hurting and I did not want to sit on a hard church pew for long. We only went for morning services. I did not go up to the choir because I really didn’t want to climb up even the three steps. My tailbone was bothering me a lot.

After church, we went to K-Mart because they were having a store closing sale and had heavy discounts. While there, I started getting stabbing pains to my right side below my waist. The pains were very sharp and stopped me in my tracks a few times. I held to the spot and it even hurt to the touch. When we returned home, I got another ice pack and put to my back. I stayed in bed most of the time. While him and my daughter went to evening service, I stayed at home. That night, not only was my lower back and tailbone hurt but my two sides. The left side to my waist and the lower right side where the stabbing pains hit me at K-Mart. I had a hard time sleeping and feeling comfortable even on my favorite left side which I usually like to sleep on. I got up a couple times during the night as usual to use the bathroom to pee. I usually do not flush the toilet because I did not want the noise to wake up hubby. I would do that in the morning.

Hubby got up to use the bathroom in the morning and when he came back to bed, we were talking. I was telling him about the pains in my sides and the back. Then he told me that he noticed a tiny kidney stone in the toilet. Apparently what could have been causing my stabbing pains in my sides could have been a kidney stone moving. That was on my right side but my left was also hurting and we were not sure if there was more than one kidney stone. It did make sense for the shooting pains. I have had kidney stones before but didn’t think about it when I got those stabbing pains at K-Mart.

On Monday, I went back to the chiropractor because my tailbone was still hurting. I told him about my sides hurting too. He said it could be kidney stones from my description of the pains and locations. He also said that the nerves by the kidney has a connection to my lower back and tailbone so it could be a factor in the pains I am having at the tailbone. I’d wanted an x-ray to make sure there was nothing wrong with the tailbone but since I am going to have my kidney doppler ultrasound tomorrow, He said to wait and see what the results are for that before we do any x-ray. He adjusted me and afterwards, I did not hurt so much for the rest of the day.

I woke up yesterday with my fibro flare at my shoulders and my lower back and tailbone hurting again. I was feeling nauseous. I had to go to town with my daughter and all that time, my back kept hurting. I came home and did my ice pack again. Last night, I hurt so much that I felt the pain from lower back to tailbone and all the way to my right hips. I even felt the right thigh bone hurting. I haven’t done anything for the morning apart from making up the bed, taking a shower and eating some bagels and decaf.

Are the pains in my lower back and tailbone I am having from issues with my kidneys? I do not know. Only time would tell. I pray that there is nothing wrong with the kidneys. The days are passing by so quickly and I can hardly get stuff done. My goals to keep walking on the treadmill are now squashed. It has come to the point where the longer I walk, the more my back and tailbone hurt. There is more to life than living in pain. I have a wonderful husband, great kids and a grandbaby on the way. I cannot let the pains distract me from the joys I can experience. I just have to find a way to accommodate the pains to a new type of living. Gone are the pain-free days. I cannot quit on my journey in life. I keep going because I have to.


Being a parent first.

This week has been awfully hard on me. With my tailbone being locked up and inflamed, it was quite painful to do the simplest tasks. My hubby has been out of town also and I had a few extra stuff to do. Yesterday, I kept putting my intermittent ice packs on the tailbone to help ease the pains. I hate ice packs. I prefer heat but because of the inflamed area, I needed to use only ice. I hadn’t done a lot of stuff I was planning to do this week such as organizing and cleaning the spare bedroom. I had my teenaged daughter help in some things.

This morning, I woke up not only with my tailbone hurting but my fibro flare ups. My shoulders hurt and all I wanted to do was stay in bed under all the covers. Needless to say, I had still be a mom. My daughter had some volleyball practice with one of her friends at the school gym so I had to drop her off at the friend’s house. My body groaned and complained and I rolled off the bed to take a shower, get ready and drop her off. Hoping that she gets a ride back. If she doesn’t, I am going to do what needs to be done. That is being a parent first.


Finally found the reason for the intense back pains

Last night, I had an awful time sleeping. Even my favorite side was not comfortable. My back was hurting so much that I just wanted to cry. I went to the chiropractor two days ago. I took pain pills. Yesterday, I called the chiropractor’s office to let them know that the pains were worse after the adjustment so the girl said she’ll tell him and call me back. She called back and said that he wanted me to use hot and cold pack alternately. I did that and no help. I even tried using a Tens Unit. I could not go higher than a 2. My back was so sensitive. Last night, I tried to use my knee pillow to see if that would ease. No luck. I even put some Blue Goo pain gel. It was almost midnight before I started to fall asleep but as usual, I wake up after 1 a.m. to use the bathroom. I cannot sleep all night long and wake up in the morning. I always get up in the wee hours of the night to use the bathroom. I tossed and turned from the pains.

This morning, I had to go to the library to collect a couple books I had on hold and return one that was due tomorrow. I was glad that I did not have to get up very early to take my daughter to school since they are on Winter break from today. I finally forced myself to get up and decided that while I was heading to town, I could stop by the chiropractor’s office and ask if I could speak to him. I went in and knew that today, they open only for half a day. They were kind enough to squeeze me in so that I could speak to him. I explained to him how and where the pains were. Also let him know that the pains were worse after he adjustment me on Tuesday. He made me lie down on the adjustment table and checked to see what was going on. Apparently my tailbone was locked and that was causing my pains. Not only that, but it was inflamed. I’d told him that the area was swollen and hot to the touch. No wonder I was hurting non-stop! He adjusted me and I immediately felt a relief. The pains were there still but not as intense. He told me not to sit for more than 30 minutes at a time. He said to put ice on the area for the inflammation. I told him about the hot and cold packs he’d recommended yesterday. He said that the girl didn’t tell him where my pains were. He thought that it was my shoulders (which he’d also adjusted on Tuesday). He said not to use heat but rather cold since my tailbone was inflamed.

After leaving the office, I went and had some breakfast at Panera Bread. Then I went to Kroger for a few groceries and decided to stop by K-Mart which was across the road from Kroger. I wished I had gone there earlier because most of the good stuff was gone. They were closing the store. I walked a lot around the store and I believe that it aggravated my tailbone somewhat. Not only that but driving for more than 30 minutes aided in the pain. By the time I reached home, I was sore again. I used an ice pack. Then I took some acetaminophen because the pains were coming back. I went upstairs to supervise my daughter cleaning some stuff and by me bending and standing, my back was flaring up again. I quit and went to the recliner and lazed there until it was time for me to eat supper and take a shower. Right now, I am typing this post on my iPad in bed with my back belt holding up the ice pack wrapped in a rag. At least I finally found out the reason for the intense back pains. Praying that this does not become chronic because I am limited to doing even the basic chores.